November 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Caplinger Mills Fire Protection District

8960 S. Highway J

Stockton, MO 65785

Monthly Meeting Minutes for Nov 16th at 7pm

At Fire Station #2

Called to order.

Present: Michelle, Eddie, Mark, Doug, Sno


                Doug motioned to accept as read. Michelle 2nd. All approved


Mark moved we accepted the estimate of the bid from Legend Construction for $10,428. Doug 2nd. All approved.

Selling Land:

                We discussed selling the back of the land at building 1. Decided to shelve it. If Danny asks again, we will ask for an offer.

Treasurer’s Report

                Mark presented the report. $29914.38 in the bank.

Fire Chief report

                2 brush and a tractor fire and 2 wrecks since last meeting.

Gen Business

                Got the insurance renewal packet. Eddie will sign and get to Mid-Mo Insurance.

                Discussed Bonding renewal.

                Discussed Census packets received. Mark will do the gov finance census. Michelle will call the census about the health insurance one since we don’t have employees or do health insurance.

Mark Moved we adjure, Sno 2nd. All in favor.