March 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Caplinger Mills Fire Protection District

8960 S. Highway J

Stockton, MO 65785

Mar 21st 2024


  • Call to order
  • Roll call and recognition of quorum.
    • Michelle and Sno were not here. We had a quorum.
  • Acceptance of last meeting minutes
    • Mark motioned we accept and read. Doug 2nd. All accepted
  • Treasurer’s report
    • Mark reported the current balances.
  • Fire Chief report
    • 2 grass fires and one cancelation
    • Red brush truck is going to be a “nightmare”. Bock Automotive is having trouble getting it fixed. We are not sure what it is going to come to.
  • General Business
    • Danny from Caplinger Mills Woods wanted to touch base about purchasing some property in Caplinger from the department. We decided to get more details and decide with full quorum present.
  • Mark motioned to adjourn. Doug 2nd.